Tuesday, April 10, 2007

False and misleading information from Western Capital

Here is an example of the false and misleading information you can expect to obtain from Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola.

Let's look at Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola's false and misleading statement #9:

Next, we will start calling the SECURED creditors who you are PERSONALLY LIABLE for payment on.

Personal liability for a corporate debt does not arise from the fact the creditor is secured.

A secured creditor is one that maintains a security interest in some tangible property. Could be equipment, inventory, etc., in the possession of the corporation. A secured creditor is only entitled to the tangible property in which they hold a security interest. If that property is titled to the corporation, the creditor cannot pierce the corporate veil and hold an individual corporate officer PERSONALLY LIABLE as Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola suggests.

Now, let's look at Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola's statement #11.

Unsecured creditors are always the last priority.

That's simply dangerous. If a corporate officer has given an unsecured creditor a personal guarantee, that individual can be personally liable to the unsecured creditor. The creditor has recourse against the corporate officer personally. They can go after the individual's personal bank accounts, property, even their daughters hand-me-down 4 year old Lexus.

Of course, any CEO reading the trash contained on Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola's website would know immediately that it contains false and misleading information.

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