Sunday, May 13, 2007

More assinine advice from Robert Paisola

A consumer experiencing financial difficulties due to wage garnishment was recently given the following advice by Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola:

"either quit your job of (sic) I may be able to help if you want to give the VIP Program a try"

Just how fucking stupid is Rober Paisola? Let's see;

The maximum that federal law allows to be garnished from wages is 25%. If she quits her job her income would be reduced 100%.

We're talking about a single mother in financial trouble, and Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola's advice to overcome the problem is to "quit your job". That's it Bobby Boy, leave her and her dependant children without any income.

Nowhere does Robert Paisola mention that there are ways to have garnishment orders rescinded when a parent can show the amount garnished impacts their ability to properly care for dependants.

He then has the audacity to suggest she could hire him. With what Rob? Her grocery money perhaps?

She hardly needs to spend $200 for more dangerous advice from a moron like you.

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