Saturday, May 19, 2007

More idiotic advice from Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola

Recently, Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola advised an unwary consumer that, because he didn't have a series of "written agreements" with a former girlfriend to repay the money he lent her, he was "screwed".

Here is Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola's exact statement:

"If you loaned a former girlfriend a substantial sum "Over The Years" I seriously doubt that you have a series of written agreements with her for the loans.

Based on this fact, you are screwed."

The above comment by Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola is a prime example of why he is unqualified to offer advice on such matters.

If one person loans another money, and the party accepting the money agrees to repay it, a contract is formed. Providing the terms of the loan are legal, the contract is enforceable in a court of law and need not be in writing.

Of course, based on the E. Normis amount of email I receive, it would appear not many people are putting faith in any advice being given by Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola.

Just do a google search combining the phrases "Robert Paisola" and "Western Capital" and you'll see why Uncle Normie gets so much email at about Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola.

So much for Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola's google "webmaster controls" that he threatened Uncle Normie with.

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